Effective communication skills are indeed important, not only in our interpersonal relationships but also within the workplace. Fortunately, communication skills can be learned, and can also be improved upon over a period of time.
Apply the five following techniques of effective communication. These basic principles will help you achieve improved interpersonal relationships as well as outstanding workplace success.
Technique 1: Listen
It is ironic that the passive skill of listening is a core component of good communication. Listening focuses your attention on the other person, allowing you to be audience-centric your interactions.
Apply the five following techniques of effective communication. These basic principles will help you achieve improved interpersonal relationships as well as outstanding workplace success.
Technique 1: Listen
It is ironic that the passive skill of listening is a core component of good communication. Listening focuses your attention on the other person, allowing you to be audience-centric your interactions.
Listening also allows the other person to get his or her point across and thus may cause him or her to reciprocate your kind attention and listen to what you have to say. Listening has also the added bonus of supplying the time needed to perform the next step well.
Technique 2: Speak Slowly and Clearly
The next step to better communication is to speak clearly at a suitable pace. Have you ever spoken to someone who rambled continuously in an incomprehensible manner? You can avoid this by framing your thoughts in a clear and concise manner.
When you do speak, do not rush; speak slowly, in a clear and logical tone. With the diverse nationalities in today’s globalised workplace, speaking clearly becomes even more important in the communication of thoughts and ideas in the workplace.
If you tend to get nervous when speaking, try this tip. Imagine the person whom you are speaking with to be a small child, and that you are trying to explain something simple to him. This will help to reduce any nervous tension out from your voice. However, try to avoid sounding condescending.
Technique 3: Be Considerate
Always be mindful of the other person’s feelings. Speak in terms of the other person’s interests. Don’t ramble on and on about something that the other person is not interested in. Do smile, and maintain good eye contact.
Technique 4: Give Complements
Everybody wants to be appreciated, and so the person who is able to give this recognition will be extremely valued. A complement, given sincerely, is a simple and effective way to create bonds with any individual you desire. It costs nothing to give, and is of infinite value to the person receiving it. John Maxwell, leadership expert has his 30 second rule. Give the other person a complement within 30 seconds of meeting him or her.
Technique 5: Have Confidence

Confidence helps you to communicate in many ways. People enjoy communicating with other people who appear to be confident. Maintain eye contact, smile. Initiate contact if the other person is shy. Show off your personality.
Be mindful of these five techniques highlighting the basic principles of effective interpersonal communication the next time you interact. Interpersonal skills are indeed important in our everyday life. With time and practice, you will definitely before a more effective and successful communicator.
Technique 2: Speak Slowly and Clearly
The next step to better communication is to speak clearly at a suitable pace. Have you ever spoken to someone who rambled continuously in an incomprehensible manner? You can avoid this by framing your thoughts in a clear and concise manner.
When you do speak, do not rush; speak slowly, in a clear and logical tone. With the diverse nationalities in today’s globalised workplace, speaking clearly becomes even more important in the communication of thoughts and ideas in the workplace.
If you tend to get nervous when speaking, try this tip. Imagine the person whom you are speaking with to be a small child, and that you are trying to explain something simple to him. This will help to reduce any nervous tension out from your voice. However, try to avoid sounding condescending.
Technique 3: Be Considerate
Always be mindful of the other person’s feelings. Speak in terms of the other person’s interests. Don’t ramble on and on about something that the other person is not interested in. Do smile, and maintain good eye contact.
Technique 4: Give Complements
Everybody wants to be appreciated, and so the person who is able to give this recognition will be extremely valued. A complement, given sincerely, is a simple and effective way to create bonds with any individual you desire. It costs nothing to give, and is of infinite value to the person receiving it. John Maxwell, leadership expert has his 30 second rule. Give the other person a complement within 30 seconds of meeting him or her.
Technique 5: Have Confidence

Confidence helps you to communicate in many ways. People enjoy communicating with other people who appear to be confident. Maintain eye contact, smile. Initiate contact if the other person is shy. Show off your personality.
Be mindful of these five techniques highlighting the basic principles of effective interpersonal communication the next time you interact. Interpersonal skills are indeed important in our everyday life. With time and practice, you will definitely before a more effective and successful communicator.
Great tips there! Simple and comprehensive.
I thought that the most difficult is the complements part. If done inappropriately, it can come across as insincerity.
But hey, I would love to receive a complement every now and then!
Thanks for the comment!! Much appreciated!!
Good eye contact is important so I was glad to see it under Consideration.
I agree with CK about the compliments but there again, I can always find something kind to saty to another person.
Clearly, too, there is a difference between schmoozing and being or behaving complimentary.
"Clearly, too, there is a difference between schmoozing and being or behaving complimentary."
Yup samsara, well said. I fully agree with that. In "How to win friends and influence people", Dale Carnege says that if all we have to do is to flatter people, everybody will catch on. The key is to complement with sincerity!
Sincerity is indeed a key word. If we flatter people just for the sake of flattering, our other non verbal communication will give us away sooner or later.
Language is one of the most powerful reflections of how we think and feel about ourselves and others.You need to be aware of the padding, justifications and excuses you use and whether they are appropriate.You can make a big impact simply by changing some of your language and developing your verbal skills.This way you can significantly improve your
basic communication skills.
Effective communication is about the RESULT you get.This is perhaps the most important thing in any communication.It means the person you are communicating to totally understands your point.
Principles of effective communication
I completely love your blog. I'm currently struggling with my poor interpersonal skills. I'll keep your tips in mind the next time I get to talk to my boss. Loving your tip on how to reduce nervousness when communicating - "imagine you are speaking to a small child". Hopefully this will work for me.
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