In a previous post, we've talked about the benefits of Giving Honest and Sincere Appreciation. In this post, i will be showing my appreciation to bloggers that have enriched my life in some way or another.
To start of, i would like to show my appreciation to Monica Borden from mysignsoflife. Her post on "Blogs that Rock - Week 2" really touched me very much.
As a blogger, we all might wonder at one point or another about whether does anybody actually read our blogs? Well, her kind words about my blog really made my day. The catchphrase on her blog reads "Did anybody tell you they loved you today?" I find this phase extremely meaningful indeed.
The next blog whom i'd like to highlight is Communication Exchange by Patricia Rockwell. As a former communications teacher, Patricia makes comprehensive posts about a wide range of communication related issues. I particularly enjoyed her post about Sarcasm Experiments.
In addition, i would also like to take this opportunity to thank Patricia for her long support of this blog with her support and insightful comments!!!
Here are other blogs which have made a difference in my life.
- I'd like to thank CK from A Singaporean in London. He has regularly shared his thoughts on my posts. His blog is filled with interesting insights from a Singaporean living in London.

- Michael Aulia from Michael Aulia - Technology & Reviews has interesting post about technology. I read his blog regularly and get updates on the latest tech news.
- Turnip of Power is another blog which i regularly tune into. It is an influential blog which offers an objective no-holds barred take on social networking issues such as developments in the entrecard world etc...
Thanks for everything and till next week...

As a blogger, we all might wonder at one point or another about whether does anybody actually read our blogs? Well, her kind words about my blog really made my day. The catchphrase on her blog reads "Did anybody tell you they loved you today?" I find this phase extremely meaningful indeed.

In addition, i would also like to take this opportunity to thank Patricia for her long support of this blog with her support and insightful comments!!!

- I'd like to thank CK from A Singaporean in London. He has regularly shared his thoughts on my posts. His blog is filled with interesting insights from a Singaporean living in London.

- Michael Aulia from Michael Aulia - Technology & Reviews has interesting post about technology. I read his blog regularly and get updates on the latest tech news.

Thanks for everything and till next week...
Dear Wenbin,
What a lovely way to start November! Your appreciation is duly noted and reciprocated! We interpersonal communication people have to stick together!
Thanks for the appreciation and love, which comes rare these days :)
Thanks for including me. I'm honored that you find my blog to be a useful resource. It's my readers and their comments that keep me motivated to continue blogging.
Hey Wenbin,
Thanks for the link and your frequent comments on my site. Really appreciate it. Cheers!
Thanks for your post. Knowing how to appreciate people is very important. we need to appreciate people by saying it out. thanks again. good stuff.
Oh yes, I have appreciated your presence greatly in my life!!! I love you!!! (not shy at all to admit).
Just killing some in between class time on Digg and I found your article . Not normally what I choose to read about, but it was absolutely value my time. Thanks.
Really nice to see that. Thanks a lot.
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