In this post, we will be trying to avoid these problems by exploring some tips as to how we can give effective constructive criticism.
This may initially sound rather contradictory to some. We have learn that criticisms may result in problems, so why then should we be quick to criticize?
Well, this is because criticism, like praise, is most effective when it is delivered close to the event. The earlier the criticism is delivered, the more effective it will be.
When employing this tactic, however, it is imperative to remember to separate your emotions from your criticism and to offer objective criticism to the other person. Also, remember to avoid criticizing anyone in front of other people as this seriously wounds a person's precious pride.
Be Specific in Your Criticism

Another recommended method in giving effective criticism is to be specific.
When you become more specific, your criticism will naturally become more objective and less emotional. Words become more quantifiable as a result, and less prone to gross generalizations that could occur in the heat of the moment.
Be Certain of the Facts
In the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People", Dale Carnegie suggests "I may be wrong but let's examine the facts". When you criticize or accuse somebody about something, it is imperative that you are sure of exactly what you are talking about.
When the person is trying to explain the situation, your body language should also reflect a open and receptive attitude towards his explaination.
Focus on the Positives

Even when you must criticize, try to focus on the positives. Do try to include or suggest ways on how the other person can improve instead of just listing down the other person's bad points.
Before you do criticize, try out this simple step.
In conclusion, if you do have to criticize, give constructive criticism and give it effectively. Giving constructive criticism helps to improve the other person by providing a valuable source of objective feedback which helps the other person to improve .
Do remember to consider the other person's feelings in all of your dealings and spread positivity whereever you go!