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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Presentation Tips for the Technical Professional

As professionals, we are often experts in our own area of expertise. Be it the salesman trying to sell something, or the marketing executive presenting his or her plans to management. In the workplace, we often have to make technical presentations to an audience.

Here are some tips that can help you the next time you are delivering a technical presentation.

Tip 1: Limit the use of Overly Technical Jargon

The longer we specialise in a certain area, the more we use to such phases. Hence, it is natural that we will tend to use such technical jargon in our presentations. Some people like to use lots of technical jargon as they perceive that it will appear to make them appear more knowledgeable and hence more convincing as a result. However, what usually happens is that they end up confusing and distancing their audience.

Use common words that the audience will understand and this will help them to follow your speech, as well as to establish rapport. Remember, speeches usually involve simpler words compared to technical writing.

Tip 2: Use Examples and Analogies to help Explain

Instead of saying “cigarette smoking kills over a thousand people each day,” use an analogy such as “imagine taking out a cigarette and lighting it up, in the 5 minutes needed to smoke that cigarette, 4 people would have died as a result of smoking. Will you be one of the four the next time you light up?

Simple analogies relating difficult terms to common everyday experiences allow the audience to better understand your message.

Tip 3: Limit Excessive Details

We are bombarded with thousands of messages each day and are flooded with loads of information. Do you think that the audience will want to know exactly how everything works? Usually, the audience just wants to know the main points and how it can benefit them.

By the end of a speech, the audience would have already forgotten about most of the content. So do avoid boring your audience and leave the details till only when specifically asked to elaborate further.

Tip 4: Use Appropriate Visuals

If possible, complement your presentation with appropriate visual aids and use them appropriately. The use of visual aids could be the topic of a discussion by itself so I’ll only mention the main points here.

If you are presenting using PowerPoint, avoid displaying excessive text on your slides. Keep this rule of the thumb in mind. Limit your points per slide to a maximum of 7 and keep each point below 7 words.

Avoid reading excessively from your slides. Your audience can do it for themselves. A good PowerPoint presentation usually involves the presenter listing the main idea on the PowerPoint slide and elaborating upon the idea in his or her own words.

Use pictures and visuals to help emphasise as well as to highlight your main points. This will help engage the audience rather than just words or no visual aid at all.

Tip 5: Keep your Presentation Interesting and Funny

This is perhaps the most important point. By the nature of its content, technical presentations are inherently boring, so you will have to do your best to keep your audience entertained. A good method to keep your presentation lively is to keep your voice sounding lively. You can learn the basics of a better vocal presentation here.

Do inject some personality into your talk. Always remember to try to wear a smile if possible. This helps you to appear confident as well as project a positive sense of well being to your audience.

Do remember to apply these guidelines and start giving better technical presentations at work today! Achieve better interpersonal communication in the field of business!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Path to Developing Better Interpersonal Communication Skills

I used to think look at people with excellent interpersonal skills, you know, the type that could relate well to everybody and anybody that they meet, and think to myself, “Wow, how I wish I could have been born with such great communication skills.”

I was wrong!

Interpersonal communication skills can be developed! Does this statement surprise you?
Interpersonal communication is the process of developing a unique relationship with another individual by interaction and simultaneously sharing influence. It is an important aspect of a person’s character to develop, which this blog has repeatedly tried to emphasize. However, few people set aside the necessary time, and the effort to improve upon this skill in spite of its importance.

Thus, here is a five point strategy to help you get started on improving your interpersonal communication skills today!

Point 1: Be Knowledgeable, Know it

I used to believe that communication skills are innate, which means either you are born with it, or you did not have it. Now, I realise that communication skills can be learned and developed.

The people with the best interpersonal communication skills usually have extensive knowledge of the subject, through a combination of real life experiences combined with an all-inclusive knowledge of the principles involved in interpersonal communication.

There are many rules, and many small, trifling components involved in interpersonal communications that a normal individual might spend many years blundering through that a learned individual can easily navigate. An extensive knowledge of interpersonal skills is definately the first step in your development.

Such communication principles can be learned from websites focusing on the various aspects of interpersonal communication such as

This knowledge will lead you directly to step 2.
Point 2: Be Skilled

Will reading a book about boxing make you a great boxer overnight?

It is not sufficient to simply know the principles of interpersonal communication. You will have to be practice it in real life too before you can internalise it. You can know everything there is to know about weight training but will remain as weak as before if you don’t put it into practice. The same principle applies to developing interpersonal skills.

Applying the principles in real life will be hard; hence, you will need to employ step number 3.
Point 3: Be Motivated

You will need to be and remain motivated in order to develop your new interpersonal skills. Improvement in your character does not come overnight, but only with practice, and over a period of time. Only with determined application of the fundamental principles of interpersonal relations, in one’s daily life, will a person be able to improve.
Point 4: Be Flexible

Each situation is unique with many different variables to consider. Thus it is important to be flexible in the application of the principles of interpersonal communication. Something that will work in situation A might not work in situation B. We need to be mindful that the same set of skills is not always applicable in all situations, and will be required to adapt our responses accordly based on the situation at hand.
Point 5: Be Other-Oriented

The typical human individual ispends most of his or her free time focused on our own individual's needs. This is natural, however, when we focus exclusively on ourselves, it will be difficult to communicate effectively with others. We may be able to get out point out but it may not get across. We are eternally interested in ourselves, but the person who is able to place the other person’s interest ahead of our own will be able to win the hearts of others.

Focusing on others means to consider the needs and interests of the other person above our own, and will help you become a better interpersonal communicator.

Thus, the following 5 points will help to guide you on your path on becoming a better communicator possessing better interpersonal communication skills. Soon, you will be on your way to winning friends and influencing people. Good luck!

If you're interested in other articles about interpersonal communication from this blog, do check out --

Some basic principles will help you achieve improved interpersonal relationships as well as outstanding workplace success.
Establishing Effective Communication Skills

or you could learn how to start a conversation
Conversation Starters

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Updated Scribe Website Layout

Greetings to all readers. Notice any difference in the Better Interpersonal Communication blog? Yes, i have upgraded the layout to the 3 column scribe layout. Credits to this excellent page providing new bloggers with such excellent tips.


In addition, i have made some minor changes to the sizes and colors of various units. I have also tried to keep loading time down to a minimum for reader comfort. Please leave your comments it you like it. You can also leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning the new layout of the Better Interpersonal Communication blog. I will endevor to keep the good stuff coming in. Till next time.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Live Up to your Potential

Good day everyone. Today's post will be a post about motivational quotes. I was listening to a speech, when the speaker quoted the famous Harvard professer William James

"Compared to what we ought to be, we are only half awake. We are making use of only a small part of our physical and mental resources." --- William James

The human individual, YOU, possess a potential, far greater than what you exhibit on a daily basis. This potential is inside each and everyone of us.

I like the idea of everyone of us having a great amount of potential. It provides the motivation knowing that you can still improve, can still get better. And the only way you can improve, is practice.

What does Tiger Woods, Warren Buffett, have in common besides being ultra successful and ultra rich? They achieved success by putting in a lot of work over many years.

There is evidence that even the most accomplished people need about ten years of hard work before becoming world-class, a pattern so established that researchers even refer to it as the ten-year rule.

So what am i trying to say by all of this? My point is you have the potential to become truly great. However, to do this, you will have to delay instant gratification and focus on long term development of yourself in order become truely great and live up to your potential.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Becoming a Better Manager

How do you become a great manager or a great leader? Are the two terms even the same?

Every organisation requires the services of great managers. The individual that is able to delegate tasks with grace and ease, exhibit the positive, can-do attitude together with the ability to motivate will definately be highly valued.

Manager Equals to Leader??

To begin, let me first clarify some differences that distingush between a manager and a leader. A leader provides vision as well as the motivational force to drive a project while a manager is in charge of managing and distributing resources, and juggling tasks essential for the success of the project.

Leaders are more proactive while managers are more reactive. Leaders promote new directions while managers enable the existing directions.

Having said that, actually, the characteristics of both managers and leaders are actually quite similar; both in terms of their qualities as well their capabilities. They are not mutually exclusive to each other. A good manager can become a good leader, while a good leader must often perform managerial roles. Sometimes, a good manager must even be both.

So, what does it take to become a good manager? Here are five key traits that a good manager should possess. (Many of the traits discussed here involve better interpersonal communication skills which serves to highlight the importance of this blog)

1. You have to be comfortable dealing with people

As a manager, people form your greatest resource and your main task will be to utilise your resources to skilfully accomplish the shared task. As such, you have to be comfortable when dealing with people. Better interpersonal communication skills are essential for the job here.

Part of a manager’s role is the delegation of tasks. A good manager has to be skilled as well as comfortable in the delegation of tasks. He has to feel empathically and to carefully analyse the situation before making the correct task allocations.

Some tips on how to delegate more comfortably without arousing any resentment will be to perhaps ask questions before giving direct orders. This will make the task appear to be the employee’s idea, and the result will be that the employee might become more accommodating and perhaps even enthusiastic to perform to the task assigned.

2. A good manager motivates their employees to strive and achieve

A good manager is able to keep his or her employees motivated and this can be achieved through the magic of encouragement. A person rewarded for their work and contributions, similar to a trained animal, will be more motivated and further encouraged to repeat this same positive behaviour and internalise it into their systems. Everybody likes the positive reinforcement that encouragement brings, and the astute manager will be able to use this to his or her advantage.

3. Managers need to rally their employees around the shared goal of the company

When people work toward the shared goal of the company, they work towards a vision greater than themselves and everybody benefits as a result. Managers able to impart this shared vision with their employees increase the chances for success for their team. They may accomplish this by relating/linking personal benefits that the employee may enjoy together with the shared goals of the company.

4. A great manager empowers their employees

Great managers need to challenge their employees to take up responsibility. Great managers need to recognise that they cannot accomplish everything by themselves, and hence need to learn to share some of the responsibility with their employees. As leadership expert John Maxwell once said, “If someone else can do something 80% as well as you can, then let them do it.” A manager has to be able to share the responsibility and this can be accomplished by the principle of empowerment.

5. A great manager has a positive attitude

In business as well as in life itself, attitude is everything. A great manager carries a positive attitude in the things that he does and this rubs off on the employees over time. A great manager serves as a role model for his or her employees and this starts from having a great attitude.

Ultimately, a great manager is somebody who can make the sum of a team greater than a collection of individuals.

Great managers handle people with grace and ease, caring for them and encouraging them to achieve their goals. Finally, a great manager allows the team to flourish and creates value to each individual as well as to the company. I hope you will become inspired to become a better manager today!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The 3 Simplest Steps to a Better Vocal Presentation

I have talked a lot about oral presentations thus far. Today's tip involve 3 simple steps to improving your voice in an oral presentation.

These are simple, basic and fundamental steps that anybody can learn and integrate into their speaking style easily and effectively. Not only can they be used in public speeches, but can also be used in your daily conversations to make you sound more confident and more knowledgable.

Have i sold you these steps yet?

Here they are! (Ranked from the easiest to control to the hardest)

Key 1: Volume

The volume of one's voice is of paramount importance in a public speech or a conversation. It is important to vary your voice taking into consideration your surroundings as well as the size of your audience. Generally, speakers tend to speak too softly. This is because one’s own voice always sounds louder to you than to a listener.

Remember to pay attention to your audience’s reactions to have a gauge whether are you speaking loudly enough. Remember, be audience-centric.

Key 2: Rate

Rate refers to the number of words spoken per minute. There is no such thing as an “ideal” rate of speaking. It all depends on factors such as the nature of the speech, the mood which the speaker is trying to create as well as the natural attributes of the speaker.

Typically, people tend to deliver public speeches at a rate that is too fast. I personally find that presenting at a slower rate allows me more time to think about my points, as well as reducing the frequency of my pause fillers such as “err” or “em”. Rate is a factor, similar to volume, that can and should be improved fairly easily.

Key 3: Pauses

Adding pauses to your speech is another simple and easy way to make a speech more effective. It is used, by poised and confident speakers (such as Obama: refer to the previous post) to build tension or to allow audiences to ponder over an interesting point made by the speaker. There is also a matter of the length of the pause, but improving upon this can only come from valuable experience.

In order to improve on the above points, you will have to rehearse. And as your rehearse, you will only get better and gain more confidence. Do join a local toastmasters club to provide you with the opportunities to practice your speeches and soon, you will be on your way to becoming an excellent public speaker and overall better communitator.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Barack Obama is my Speaking Idol

Yes, I said it. Barack Obama is my Speaking Idol.

Barack Obama is an excellent speaker. I think that there is no doubt about it. There is something hypnotic about the way in which he gives his public speeches and this is one of his most powerful tools in his campaign for the presidency of the United States.

Do I think he is the best candidate to become president? That is something that the American public has to decide. I personally think that all 3 candidates have something to offer America. But one thing is certain, Barack Obama is able to deliver his message and connect with the audience better than Hillary Clinton or John McCain, and this helps him to rally support for his causes and ideas.

(Check out the video posted above where he publically rejects Hillary Clinton's offer to be her vice president)

So, how does he do it? And how can you achieve this?

In all of Obama’s speeches, I always felt compelled to watch to the end. There is something hypnotic in the way he makes public speeches.

Note how he connects with the audience through the use of vocal variety and the use of dramatic pauses. Note how his pace and effective use of pauses emphasises his points and buys him time to think.

Note his effective use of gestures which serve to emphasise his points. Note the confidence in his speech, full of drive and vigour that it is captivating the attention of many Americans. He radiates smiles and confidence that is essential in a good public speech.

Try these techniques in your next speech and let me know how it went for you.

You might also be interested in this great public speaking resource about Obama.
Book Cover

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Control your Presentation Fears

As I was surfing the web, looking good presentation tips, I noticed a curious trend. The 2 most common problems that people face when it comes to delivering presentation are namely,

1. Powerpoint issues
2. Fear / Nervousness issues

I will likely post more about these topics in the near future, but from my point of view, the way to overcoming the fear of presentation is to PRACTICE.

Getting neverous before an important presentation is totally normal. I’m nervous everytime I am due to speak, and I’ll bet great public speakers like Barack Obama feel just as nervous as you or I.

Speaking expert TJ Walker makes the following enlightening points

-If you feel nervous before a speech, chances are, your speech is boring!!
-Most speeches in this world, business, political, etc… are boring.

If you want to feel good about your speech, make it interesting. Talk in terms of the audience’s perspective.

TJ Walker further points out that you should watch a video of your speech, in order to ensure that you have interesting stuff to say, when you practice. When you like how you sound and what you are saying, then it will be impossible to be nervous.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Give Better Oral Presentations Step 6 and Conclusion

Here is the final step on how to prepare for a oral presentation.

Step 6. Rehearse your Presentation

The only way to become a better speaker is through hard work and lots of practice.

Practice helps you to commit your main points to memory and helps to eliminate any potential hiccups, thus helping to boost your confidence when presenting.

There are several different techniques that can help you prepare.
One common technique is to practice in front of a mirror. This will allow you to focus on your non-verbal cues, posture and gestures as you practice. You can also use a webcam if available to record yourself for further evaluation. Finally, it will be great if you could engage a family member or friend to sit through your presentation. The experience of presenting your material in front of a live person will be invaluable together with the tips and advice they might be able to offer.

Finally, before your speech, you may start to feel a little nervous. This is only natural. Acknowledge your fears and believe that you will be able to overcome them. Remember that the audience is listening to you for a reason and will likely to be sympathetic to you. Everybody feels nervous but the successful individual is able to overcome this fear and achieve his or her potential.

Here is a recap of all 6 steps to follow when preparing for an oral presentation

Step 1. Clarify the Purpose of your Presentation
Step 2. Clearly Define your Audience
Step 3. Research your Topic
Step 4. Organise your Information and Prepare your Message
Step 5. Prepare the Outline of your Message
Step 6. Rehearse your Presentation

The skill of public speaking is a valuable tool used in a wide variety of situations. Follow the guidelines highlighted above in your next speech and you will be on your way to becoming a better public speaker. Advance boldly and let your ideas be heard!

Like it? Got any additional recommendations or tips? Please share any comments you may have about this series. I would love to hear them.

You might also be interested in the following
- 10 Attention Grabbers for Better Public Speaking
- The 3 Simplest Steps to a Better Vocal Presentation
- Control your Presentation Fears

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Give Better Oral Presentations Step 4 and 5

Here is step 4 and 5 of the preparation for oral presentation series. Once you have researched your topic (in step 3), you should;

Step 4. Organise your Information and Prepare your Message

Once the relevant information is obtained, you will need to organise your information and prepare your message.

Several methods that you can consider to organise your message include

- Chronological Order. This is good for instructional and informative messages.
- Problem followed by solution. This is good for persuasive messages.
- Cause and Effect. This is good for messages with the purpose of informing with a call for action.

Once you have decided on the organisation of your speech, you will need to write it. When doing so, keep in mind the needs of the audience. Develop your main ideas with supporting ideas organised in a clear pattern.

Step 5. Prepare the Outline of your Message

The outline of the speech consists of the main and supporting points. This acts as a guide when you speak. Start by listing the main point or heading, then list down the supporting points or ideas. The purpose of this is to arrange the material in such a way that it will be easy to commit to memory when rehearsing.

Step 6, the final step in the oral presentation preparation series will be featured in the next post. What will it talk about? What is the final, and perhaps the most critical step in the oral presentation process? Stay tuned...

Give Better Oral Presentations Step 6 and Conclusion

Give Better Oral Presentations Step 2 and 3

Here are the next two steps of the preparation for oral presentation series.

After determining the purpose of your presentation, you should:

Step 2. Clearly Define your Audience

A message is intended to be delivered to its intended audience. Clearly defining your target audience is part of having a clear purpose to your presentation.

Knowing your target audience will allow you to achieve better rapport with the audience. This is achieved by being able to prepare a speech specially tailored to their needs and experience.

Some factors to consider when considering your audience include;
- The level of experience and expertise that the audience has with the subject matter.
- The nature of the audience, whether are they heterogeneous or homogeneous?
- The level of fatigue of the audience, how tired will they be?
- The mood of the audience. Serious? Or relaxed?

Step 3. Research your Topic

In this step, the objective is to get as familiar with the speech topic as possible. Take this opportunity and time to seek information about the topic that will be relevant to your target audience. Seek to supplement your speech with evidence, facts and quotes to provide more concreteness and substance to the message.

Give Better Oral Presentations Step 4 and 5

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Give Better Oral Presentations Step 1

As i am due to deliver two oral presentations (for my communication module as well as for my thesis paper), I have decided to share some pointers on how to deliver a better oral presentation.

In order to be able to deliver more successful oral presentation, here is a guide that will hopefully help you to prepare your message in a focused and organised manner.

Step 1. Clarify the Purpose of your Presentation

Although this step may appear to be trivial, it is important to identify the primary goal of your presentation before you even begin. Many presenters start preparing their speeches without having a clear idea of the purpose of their presentation. The result? A disorganised speech which confuses the audience.

Having a clear idea of the purpose of the speech will help you, the speaker, to present your message across in a clearer, more coherent manner. Aid you in achieve this objective, ask yourself questions such as: “What am I trying to achieve?” or “What are people supposed to do after hearing my presentation?”

Tune in for step 2 featured my next post...
Give Better Oral Presentations Step 2 and 3

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Top Posts

Here are the best articles as well as the most noticable posts of the "Better Interpersonal Communication" blog.

How to Win Friends and Influence People
1. How to Win Friends and Influence People, tips by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People

Most Commented Post
1. Finding Meaning in Your Life

Review of Great Speeches
1. Barack Obama rejecting Hillary Clinton's offer to be her vice president
Barack Obama is my Speaking Idol
2. Charlie Chaplin's speech in the 1940 movie - "The Great Dictator"
(The best movie speech ever according to List Universe)
Charlie Chaplin's Greatest Speech

Articles on Interpersonal Communication
1. A five step strategy to help you get started on improving your interpersonal communication skills!
The Path to Developing Better Interpersonal Communication Skills
2. Some basic principles will help you achieve improved interpersonal relationships as well as outstanding workplace success.
Establishing Effective Communication Skills
3. Learn how to start a conversation
Conversation Starters
4. The Impacts of Modern Technology on Interpersonal Communication
Technology's Effect on Interpersonal Communication

Articles on Public Speaking
1. Presentation Tips for Professionals presenting Technical Material
Presentation Tips for the Technical Professional
2. Presentation Tips when presenting your report to a group of managers
Presentation Tips
3. 6 Step Process to help Prepare for a Public Speech
Give a Better Oral Presentation
4. Use Attention Grabbers in your Public Speeches
10 Attention Grabbers for Better Public Speaking

Articles on Communication
1. The Four Objectives of Communication Series
The Four Objectives of Communication
The Four Objectives of Communication Part 2
The Four Objectives of Communication Part 3
2. Five Types of Communication within an Organisation
The Five Types of Communication in an Organisation
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Written and Spoken Communication
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Written and Spoken Communication

Articles on Leadership and Management
1. The 5 qualities of a Great Manager
Becoming a Better Manager
2. Articles on Negotiation and Negotiating Tactics
Introduction to Negotiation
Negotiating for a Pay Rise, the Three Stages of Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics - Part 1
Negotiation Tactics - Part 2
3. Articles about Offering Criticism
Giving Effective Constructive Criticism
Tips for Giving Effective Constructive Criticism

Book Reviews
1. What They Dont Teach You At Harvard Business School
2. Painting with Numbers
3. Changing Behavior

Other Noteworthy Posts
1. Learn about Pike Syndrome and its implications
Pike Syndrome
2. Some guiding principles that will help you to find more meaning in life.
Finding Meaning in Your Life
3. A Valuable Tip for Conquering Worry
A Magical Formula to Stop All Worry Situations

My Links

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Here are the links from the Better Interpersonal Communication blog

Communication Resources

Media Training - Experience Media Consulting Group has served clients in the private and public sectors with discreet media and presentation training.

The Communication Blog - This blog is a platform for anyone interested in interpersonal communication, the fundamentals of human communication, as well as public speaking. The author has written several textbooks about this subject and should be considered an authority.

Personal Development

SelfGrowth.com - SelfGrowth.com is the most complete guide to information about Self Improvement, Personal Growth and Self Help on the Internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other Web Sites on the World Wide Web.

Speak Wealth Now! - Speakwealthnow.com is a blog dedicated in making each person financially successful. One of the author's goal is to share his experience in making money online and offline so that the readers may reflect from his success and or failure.

Streamlined Mind - This blog offers Simple Solutions for Untroubled Learning: Productivity Tips and Lifestyle Design for Students. And for You!

Interesting Blogs

That Blog 4 Me - An interesting personal blog that is worth a look.

Sites and Blogs Review - A blog made for reviewing websites and Blogs. It also provides links for useful information about them.

Other Noteworthy Blogs

Help To The Needed - An interesting blog which provides helpful tips on a variety of problems.

Hi-Teech - Imagine a World without Technology.

Transformation - Get the real story behind est with never before seen footage of actual est seminars & uncut interviews with Werner Erhard talking about his ideas

Womensselfesteem.com's Blog - Women's self-esteem and confidence

Blogging Resources

Tips for New Bloggers - One of the best blogger resources out there today.


Sharon's Blog
Reel Advice Movie Reviews

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My Drift (Enter by 31st May)

My friend Marc from the popular ELECTRONICA, RNB and GADGETS blog MY DRIFT is holding a contest to celebrate its PR1 ranking after only a couple months of blogging. Congratulations.

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Interested, checkout his contest page on the My Drift Contest Page